MusicMonday: Benefit Concerts
As we say good-bye to August and the big summer music festivals, it's time to turn our attention to concerts that are coming up in the months ahead....
As we say good-bye to August and the big summer music festivals, it's time to turn our attention to concerts that are coming up in the months ahead....
Notes:Reviews of some movies can be found here.Click on the chart to enlarge.All figures are industry estimates. Actual figures are released on Monday. Sources: Nielsen EDI, ...
Philadelphia-born Adam Goldstein, known to most by his stage name of DJ AM, was found dead in his bed today in New York City. According to some early...
Taking WoodstockI was looking forward to Taking Woodstock for so many reasons. First of all, I've always been a bit obsessed with Woodstock -- and bummed that my...
As an addendum to yesterday's MusicMonday post on Pearl Jam, we now have the band’s latest video. It features a live performance, directed by a guy who has...
It's no secret that Pearl Jam is my favorite band, so here are two special treats from the group:Click here for a 10-minute short film on the making...
Cold SoulsWriter/director Sophie Barthes admits that the idea for Cold Souls came to her in a dream -- which is ironic because there were times that I found...
Tomorrow night's 15-minute sneak preview of Avatar, James Cameron's new scifi film, is SOLD OUT. And you'll have to wait all the way til December 18 to see...
Here's an addendum to the usual TwitterTuesday roundup of contests. Live Nation is running a Twitter contest today for your chance to win a 2010 lawn season pass!...
Mondays can be so tough, but here is a list of FREE and LEGAL music downloads to ease you into a new week:Radiohead has offered a new song...
Avatar is the highly-anticipated 3D science fiction epic film directed by James Cameron, due to hit theaters on December 18. This Friday, 20th Century Fox is showing a...
Source: Nielsen EDINotes:Reviews for all of the above except G-Force and G.I. Joe can be found here.The weekend's other big debut, the teen rock 'n' roll tale Bandslam,...
There were a lot of new releases this weekend. Are you going to run out to see one? Or do you like to rent instead? Or maybe look...
District 9There is a lot of buzz for the new sci-fi film District 9 -- even though it has no big-name stars, was made for relatively little money...
The Time Traveler's WifeFull disclosure: I am a huge time travel fan. I cannot get enough of it. Even on tv, where Lost is my favorite current show...
The Goods: Live Hard, Sell HardJeremy Piven, best known for his hilarious portrayal of Hollywood agent Ari Gold on HBO's Entourage, has finally achieved leading man status after...
Congrats goes out to SUSAN S. of QUINCY, FL!! Susan had the winning tweet in the first EntertainmentBlogger contest -- and will receive the beautiful companion book to...
As the summer winds down, so too do the big musical festivals. Lollapalooza started off as a sogfest Friday in Chicago, but the rains cleared for the remainder...
It always seems to take Blockbuster a while to catch on to trends. First, they sat back and watched Netflix dominate the market for ordering DVD rentals online...
Written and directed by David Twohy (Pitch Black, The Chronicles of Riddick), this thriller may make you think twice about taking a trip to paradise. Cliff (Steve Zahn)...
Just a quick note about EntertainmentBlogger polls. Although the polls represent small samples -- and the results are completely unscientific -- they have become great predictors. Our polls...
The Hurt LockerNot all films are made available to me as advance screenings, so I have to make sure I get to the theater for some movies that...
There's a lot of free music to download online -- but keep in mind that most of it is illegal. For this first MusicMonday of the month, here...
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