Entertainment Hunters

Adam Lambert's Rolling Stone Interview -- The Truth Comes Out

"American Idol" runner-up Adam Lambert has landed the cover of Rolling Stone magazine, where he talks about sex, drugs and his "Idol" experiences.

Drumroll, please...in the June 25 issue, the 27-year-old singer from San Diego acknowledges that he's gay, and says it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone. Says Lambert, "I'm proud of my sexuality. I embrace it. It's just another part of me."

He also reveals that he began smoking pot and tried Ecstasy for the first time while performing in a European production of "Hair" in his early twenties. Lambert says he was inspired to audition for the Fox network singing competition after having a "psychedelic experience" at the Burning Man festival in Nevada.

Lambert says he knew "American Idol" was his "only shot to be taken seriously in the recording industry, because it's fast and broad." Huh?

Meanwhile, a day after announcing season 8 champ Kris Allen's deal, 19 Recordings revealed it has also signed Lambert, and that, as widely rumored on the Internet, his debut album will be licensed to RCA Records for a fall release.

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