Entertainment Hunters

Movie Review: A Summer "Comedy" to Skip

Grown Ups

Last summer at this time, we were treated to one of the smartest comedies to come along in a while -- The Hangover. This summer, we have the complete polar opposite. Despite a cast full of some funny people, Grown Ups is a dumb movie -- and not very funny.

Five best friends (Kevin James and Saturday Night Live alumni Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, David Spade and Rob Schneider) from junior high reunite years later in the wake of the death of their old basketball coach and decide to spend the July 4th weekend together with their families at the lake house where they celebrated their championship. Rounding out the cast are their wives -- including another SNL alum, Maya Rudolph (Away We Go), Maria Bello and Salma Hayak -- and some former basketball competitors -- yep, more SNL alum in the form of Colin Quinn and Tim Meadows.

Co-written by Sandler, the film is directed by one of his frequent collaborators, Dennis Dugan (Happy Gilmore, Big Daddy, The Benchwarmers, I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry). Sadly, this film is one of the weakest of the bunch. It's being marketed as a family comedy -- but it's rarely funny and not appropriate for kids. The only good thing I can say about this movie is that it tries to relay a couple of good messages: 1) kids should put aside their cell phones and game system remotes and head outside for fun and 2) grown ups should put aside the work stress and concentrate on each other more. There you have it, I just saved you $10. [Rated PG-13; opens tomorrow]

Grade: C


  • Click on the Film Reviews icon at left to read other recent reviews -- including one for the highly-recommended Toy Story 3.

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