Entertainment Hunters

Movie Review: STAR TREK

Let me first preface this review by saying I was never a Star Trek superfan. I watched -- and mildly enjoyed -- some repeats of the original series, but never any of the follow-ups or movie editions. So, you may be surprised by this (former?) non-superfan's review that follows...

Star Trek

J.J. Abrams (Lost, Cloverfield) resurrects the Star Trek franchise in this fun prequel that tells the story of how Kirk and Spock met -- and the full Enterprise crew bonded. With fast-paced action, lots of humor and a nod to the original (perfect cameo for original Spock, Leonard Nimoy), the movie will surely please both old fans and newbies. Chris Pine and Zachary Quinto (Heroes) head up the youthful cast. What could have been a 90210-like disaster, turns out to be thrilling two-hour ride into space. Bring on the sequels -- live long and prosper, J.J. Abrams!

Grade: A-

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