Entertainment Hunters


Stranded in a remote Iranian village, a foreign journalist (James Caviezel) is approached by Zahra (the always amazing Shohreh Aghdashloo), a woman with a harrowing tale to tell about her niece -- and the gruesome circumstances of her recent death. Her story exposes the dark power of mob rule, uncivil law and the lack of rights for women. Zahra makes it her mission to get her story into the hands of the journalist. Not only so her niece's death will not be in vain -- but to also communicate the injustice to the world.

The film, opening on June 26, is based on a true story -- and it will surely haunt you for a long time. Ultimately, it is hard for me to recommend the movie because of the disturbing sequence of cruel and brutal violence. But it would be a shame if you miss Aghdashloo's riveting performance. And yet another crime if she does not earn her second Academy Award nomination.

I was lucky enough to attend an advance screening presented by the film's producer, Stephen McEveety (The Passion of the Christ). McEveety mentioned that this was the most powerful film he had been a part of in his 30-year Hollywood career. I can see why. For more on McEveety and the movie, click here for a recent article from the Los Angeles Times.

Grade: A

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