Recap of an Explosive LOST Season 5 Finale
It was an explosive end to season 5 of LOST as the producers cleared some things up, then confused us all over again. To recap some highlights:
- We finally got to meet the never-before-seen uber-boss of the island, Jacob...only to see him stabbed to death by Ben as angry payback for decades of being ignored.
- We finally got to see Rose and Bernard -- boy, have they been missed. But they really didn't seem to miss anyone else.
- And we finally learned the identity of the major character rumored to be killed off: Juliet, who had plunged to the bottom of a shaft where, moments before, Jack had dropped his handy mini nuclear warhead. It failed to trigger on cue. But Juliet, badly injured, pounded the bomb with a rock to set it off and fulfill Jack's mission.

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