Entertainment Hunters

Note to Adam Lambert Fans: Don't Despair

I know you had a rough night, but don't feel too bad about Adam Lambert's loss to Kris Allen in the season finale of American Idol. Adam will be just fine. Remember, many of the most successful Idol alumni didn't even make it into the final two during their season. Here is just a sampling:

  • Jennifer Hudson came in 7th her season -- and has now gone on to win not only a Grammy Award, but an Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, a BAFTA Award and a Screen Actors Guild Award among others,

  • Chris Daughtry came in 4th his season -- and his band's debut album has gone quadruple platinum,

  • and even Constantine Maroulis, who came in 6th his season, has earned a Tony Award nomination this year!

I guess that's why I've lost some interest in the show since I attended the finales of the first two seasons -- because ultimately, it really doesn't matter who wins or loses.

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